Thursday 22 March 2012

Wikipedia Project

This week, we were given a project in ALES 204 class about Wikipedia articles. Our task was to find a Wikipedia "stub", or unfinished article, and complete it. This meant doing the research, using proper format, proper grammar, and making sure that all references were cited properly to avoid any copyright and/or plagiarism issues. I found this task to be a lot more difficult than I had initially expected. After I had created an account with Wikipedia, I selected a stub to edit, and this is where it got difficult. In order to edit the stub, you had to learn a new language! There were several rules and tricks when entering your data and text into the site, but after some time editing got easier and I became well-versed in the language of Wikipedia.

The stub I chose to edit was one on Hays Converter Cattle. The information on this article was VERY limited, and as I am currently a student in Animal Science as well as ALES, I thought this would be an interesting topic to research. Hays Converter Cattle were also developed in Alberta, Canada, so the topic hit close to home and served to instil some pride into my heart. I hope now that after editing this Wikipedia article, others will be able to learn more about Harry Hays and his Hays Converter Cattle. Please note, there was some (a very small amount however) information already on this article, and as such I do not wish to take credit for another writer's work. On a related note, a friend in my class, Rosie also chose to update a stub on a breed of cattle. Be sure to give her blog a look as well!

"Wikipedia-Hays Converter Screenshot"- Taken by Dani Young on March 22, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Dani, I really enjoyed reading your Wikipedia article on Hays Converter cattle! I knew they existed from my Animal Science 200 cattle but was not aware that they originated in Alberta of that they contained breeding from my favourite breed, Herefords. Thank you for taking the time to educate us on this topic.

