Thursday 12 April 2012

The End of Something Beautiful

Well, it's that time of year again. Classes are finishing up and final examinations are beginning! In the same way, ALES 204 is almost finished and so this will be my final post to look back on all that I have learned and enjoyed in the class. I had never before in my life thought I would create a blog, and yet here I am writing one now! This is all thanks to ALES 204, which first of all taught me the website to even make a blog, and second of all taught me the proper tools and techniques of communication via blogging. 

"Blogging, Like A Sir" Found By: Dani Young at on April 11/12 
My favourite portion of the class was probably the introduction of twitter into my life. I don't know how I had gone this long without it, but it is one of the coolest social media sites I have ever used! The hash tags allowed me to search certain subjects and the ability to make connections with those who share your interests were a helpful tool. If you do not have an account yet I suggest you get one! Probably one of the most influential people I know on twitter is my friend and fellow classmate Rosie, who uses twitter as a valuable networking tool in the agriculture industry. 

Social media is always changing and evolving, and I'm sure that as a social media user I will evolve along with these changes. In fact, a new social media app is on the rise. It is called Highlight, and I have included the link to a review of the app here. It may have issues on privacy, as it allows other users to see where you are, and what you have in common. However, the amount of information you show is at your control, so you decide! To sum up, I have learned networking skills useful in our constantly-changing technologic world. I joined quite a few websites, including Delicious and flickr, which I will probably never use as they do not interest me. I use Instagram as my photo-sharing app, and as such do not feel the need to utilize flickr. This course was helpful in a constantly changing world, and the only complaint I have is this: I have joined so many different websites I can't keep track of it, and I do not like having so much information about myself on the internet. I do not think joining all of these sites should be mandatory! However, that being said, I hope to keep up with current social media, and keep blogging as well! 

For the T.A.'s of the class, I am including links to all the comments I made on other students' blogs:
OneTwoThreeFour, and lastly Five! A big thanks to my T.A and Jess for all their help this year.